Çerez Örnek

Intellectual Property Rights Unit

EU EBİLTEM-TTO Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing Ünit within the scope of Intellectual Property Law No. 6769 conducts decision processe regarding invention disclosure application and registiration processes and commercialization processes. Intellectual Property Rights and Contracts Unit conducts such studies for academicians and students. TTO assists them while protecting their IP assests, managing IP portfolios and bringing the IP to the Marketplace.

For the inventions novelty search provides EU EBİLTEM-TTO Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing Unit.

In order to request novelty searc process, the Form in the links below must be filled in.

Novelty Search

Invention Disclosure Process

The Invention  Disclosure Form in the links below is required to be fulfilled in order to initiate the evaluation process..

Invention Disclosure Form

The Invention Disclosure Form must be filled in with technical details of the invention, signed by all inventors of the invention and then delivered EU EBİLTEM-TTO. Evaluation process begins and Invention Disclosure Forms are evaluated by Technology Transfer Office and Ege University Intellectual Property Evaluation Board. If Universty requests the right ownership on the intellectual property, applications will become on behalf of Ege University. The inventions whose right ownership is not requested by University are regarded as free invention.

Patent Application Process

Patent application can either be through PCT or TPI depending on the protection strategy.. Patent application document is drafted in collaboration with the inventors and the patent attorney. After the patent application process Commercialization strategy is determined for each patent application

Commercialization Process

After the patent application commercialization process begins. For each application is figure out the most ideal commercialization route. These are:

  • Technology Licensing
  • IP – based Start-up formation / Entrepreneurship


And also regarding to the protocol whihc signed between Ege University and Turkish Patent Institute, TTO serves as "Turkish Patent Institute Information and Documentation Office" and provides services to all inventors   and the companies   outside of the University.




Phone: 0232 3434400-121

E-mail: ozgur.guvenenler@ebiltem.ege.edu.tr 


Dr. Ferhat Can ÖZKAYA

Phone: 0232 3434400-102

E-mail: can.ozkaya@ebiltem.ege.edu.tr 



Ege Üniversitesi